NHS Charities Together

Brand TV

How to we turn people’s love for the NHS into powerful fundraising?

This was our challenge from NHS Charities Together – who briefed us to create a brand ad to coincide with the 75th anniversary of the NHS.

This was a fantastic opportunity, but it was not without its challenges. We had tight timings, an even tighter budget and just 30 seconds to get our message across. Thankfully, we came up with a beautifully simple creative solution, focusing on the magical moments of ‘togetherness’ that NHS charities make possible – those unexpected things that make all the difference to patients, staff and families.

The ad was filmed in a real NHS hospital, giving it a sense of familiarity and authenticity. We were also extremely lucky to get free usage of the Simply Red song ‘We’re in this together’, which really helped to reinforce the brand message – reminding the audience of the role we all have to play.

Best of all, the client was thrilled with the result. As Rosie Baker, Head of Marketing and Brand, said: “My NHS Charities Together colleagues were really impressed with WPNC’s approach to our legacy work, so I was really excited to be working with them for our brand brief. Faced with a variety of challenges and a key ‘drop dead’ air date, I was equally impressed by the team, the way they challenged us and guided us throughout the project. Their insight work was refreshingly different and inspired us to have serious conversations internally about the approach to our brand. We are really pleased with the ad and we were so excited to see it live on screen... and even more delighted with the reaction.”